IO Integration Marketing Technology Blog

Workfront LEAP 2019: 4 Days of Learning, Sharing, Innovating and Celebrating Modern Work Management

Written by Jenna Mac Killop | Jun 5, 2019 6:17:21 PM

I don’t know if EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas, but Workfront LEAP 2019 was the definitely the largest gathering of work management leaders that Dallas or the world has ever seen.

To attend this event with 2000+ Workfront users, prospects, partners and Workfront team members was like nothing I have ever experienced at a conference or trade show in my technology career. My colleagues and I attended as many of the 200 info-packed sessions we could squeeze into our LEAP schedules. Nearly half of these sessions were led by Workfront customers sharing their transformation success stories and reminding us all to start small, celebrate milestone victories and have a well-planned strategy for user adoption.

IO Integration was one of the event sponsors and we could not have had a better time at our exhibit chatting and catching-up with existing customers, listening to new people share their Workfront goals and challenges, and bonding with other Workfront partners and long-time friends that all bring their unique values and expertise to different areas in the Workfront customer journey.

“As masters of modern work, our Workfront customers are not only transforming the way THEY work, they are transforming the way WE work at IOI to truly be that innovation partner they need to achieve their work management and Operational System of Record goals.” says IO Integration CTO, Bill Covington.

During the Dallas Leap conference, Workfront shared some exciting news with their ecosystem including the unveiling of the new Workfront user experience. Additionally, they announced a collaboration with Google cloud to connect the G-suite productivity applications with Workfront and revealed an even stronger partnership with Adobe to offer a seamless connection between Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Experience Cloud.

But it wasn’t all just about work. We were captivated by Keith Ferazzi and Daniel Pink, New York Times best-selling authors and LEAPS’s guest keynote speakers, we danced the night away at a silent disco and experienced an unforgettable performance by Marc Martel (the voice behind the Academy Award-winning film Bohemian Rhapsody). I’m guessing there were some Texas-size bar tabs, too!

If you’re a Workfront user, you need to make attending LEAP an annual priority. We were definitely living it up large this year in Dallas, but I’m guessing next year’s Workfront LEAP Orlando 2020 will bring something even a little more magical. See y’all in Florida!