IO Integration Marketing and Creative Operations Technology Blog
Providing Creative Operations and Marketing Technology Professionals resources for getting the most out of their production workflows.
digital asset management | creative operations | digital experience management
Douglas Eldridge
February 20th, 2018
This post by Douglas Eldridge, Marketing Manager at censhare, originally appeared on censhare’s We Care to Share Blog. We think it will be useful to our readers. Enjoy! For those deeply embedded in the digital asset management (DAM) world it is common knowledge that solutions are not always as straight forward as they seem and sometimes require a staff which is dedicated to their procurement, implementation and eventually use. The DAM world is much bigger than just a piece of software, and should be treated as such when searching for a vendor.
Digital Asset Management (DAM) | creative operations | workflow operations
February 8th, 2018
This article originally appeared in the MediaValet Blog. We Think it will be useful to our readers. Enjoy!
Stay up to date on all of the latest developments in technology and learn industry best practices for creative operations. When you subscribe you will also receive a free copy of our Ebook: Welcome to the Age of Creative Operations.
project management | creative operations | best practices
February 6th, 2018
This article originally appeared in the WorkFront Project Management Blog. We Think it will be useful to our readers. Enjoy!
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