IO Integration Marketing and Creative Operations Technology Blog
Providing Creative Operations and Marketing Technology Professionals resources for getting the most out of their production workflows.
marketing technology | creative operations | best practices
July 15th, 2020
This article by Shawn Murphy originally appeared on the Bluescape Blog and we think our readers will find it useful. By now, we’ve all had time to process what we, as leaders, like and don’t like about managing remote teams. Despite personal preferences about remote work, adapting how you lead is crucial. Keep in mind that managers shape 70 % of employees’ experience of work. It’s not their colleagues, or company culture, or the CEO; it’s you.
marketing technology | creative operations | best practices
DALIM Sofware
July 8th, 2020
This article originally appeared on the DALIM Software Blog and we think our readers will find it useful. How can you increase turnaround time? Speed up your online proofing. 92% of marketers say the biggest reason for missed deadlines are approval delays.
Stay up to date on all of the latest developments in technology and learn industry best practices for creative operations. When you subscribe you will also receive a free copy of our Ebook: Welcome to the Age of Creative Operations.
marketing technology | creative operations | best practices
Damian Diaz
July 2nd, 2020
Most people can agree that technology has a role to play when it comes increasing production and efficiency in almost any field, and marketing and creative production are no exception. While tech is the backbone of any marketing or creative production ecosystem, the constant change in the development of new technologies coupled with customer expectations in an ever expanding marketing landscape are evolving at a pace that is leaving many reeling to catch up. To stay relevant and build for the future, many organizations are rethinking how they use technology, people and processes to fundamentally enhance marketing performance to meet customer expectations. This requires strategic thought and there are five critical steps to pay close attention to when planning to introduce new technology.
marketing technology | creative operations
Damian Diaz
June 24th, 2020
IO Integration is excited to announce our new Creative Operations cloud hosting platform, IO Space™. Current global events have changed the way we work, and how we work will never be the same. Companies prioritizing the expansion of remote workforce capabilities in recent years were better prepared when the stay-at-home orders were put in place, but for many others this process had to be expedited. Several organizations with on-prem technology are still finding it difficult to support and expand the capabilities of their remote workforce. The particular challenge for marketing and creative departments is being able to quickly access marketing assets, maintain creative production workflows, and keep remote teams working efficiently. Moving Creative Operations to the cloud can alleviate many of these issues and it's no longer a question of if, but when to make the move. Based on the next generation Cloud 2.0 platform, IO Space consists of a host of products and services specifically designed for Creative Operations and marketing production teams. Our products and bundles are maintained, supported, and managed by IO Integration Creative Operations technology experts who understand the way your teams work. With data centers around the globe, IO Space offers a reliable, cost-effective, and scalable infrastructure for any organization looking to move creative production or data backup to the cloud.
marketing technology | project management | creative operations
Matthew Bagshaw
June 17th, 2020
IO Integration is a proud recipient of the Workfront Partner of the Year Award for 2020. Who better to guide creative teams through digital transformation in today’s turbulent times than a global business that’s got remote working expertise in its DNA? IO Integration, a 2020 Workfront Partner of the Year, writes about its winning partnership with Workfront and nine trends behind its clients’ transformational change. By Martyn Cook, Director of Solutions, and Matthew Bagshaw, Director of Services, IO Integration
marketing technology | creative operations
June 11th, 2020
This article by Julie Allouch, Director of Digital Experience at Nuxeo, was originally published on the Nuxeo Blog and we think our readers will find it informative. You can’t launch a new product if you don’t have the right photos. High-volume, highly structured photoshoots are an integral part of the product launch process. And in these times, organizing new photo shoots is quite impossible, it’s critical that companies can trust their existing content. Being able to search, find, and reuse digital assets will be key to survival.
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